R&D Project / Atlantide

Advanced Technologies for LANds management a Tools for Innovative Development of an EcoSustainable agriculture



Advanced Technologies for LANds management and Tools for Innovative Development of an EcoSustainable agriculture.

Status: Active

Period of reference: November 2020-October 2023

Funder: Regione autonoma della
Sardegna – Fondo per lo Sviluppo e la Coesione (FSCA)

Abinsula Role: Participant

Reference Personnel: Antonio Solinas, Francesco Martini

ATLANTIDE is a Sardinian Regional project (FSC Sardegna 2014-2020 programme), coordinated by Topcon Agriculture and involving Abinsula and the University of Sassari. The objective of the ATLANTIDE project is the complete integration of knowledge and enabling technologies for the definition and implementation of agricultural production models that aim to efficiently combine inputs (water, fertilizers, pesticides, energy, time) with outputs (increasing efficiency, improving quality, reducing production losses, reducing resource use, reducing land use, reducing ecological footprint). The project foresees the realization of an enabling Framework for the manipulation, aggregation and fusion of agro-food field data that allows the development of Precision Agriculture in a European context.

Through the development of advanced technologies, an innovative paradigm of farm management (agricultural, forestry and zootechnical) is to be realized that, based on observation and measurement, is able to elaborate the response to the set of inter- and intra-field quantum-qualitative variables that intervene in the production system with the aim of optimizing yields in view of an advanced climate and environmental, economic, productive and social sustainability. 

Abinsula at a glance

Abinsula is one of the main Italian players in embedded, web and mobile solutions. It stands out for its ability to create custom software and hardware based on customer needs, for outstanding data management systems connected to an excellent use of telemetry, a technology used in several sectors, from automotive to energy, for data transmission and monitoring.

Custom HW & SW Solution


Data Management


Telemetry Monitoring

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We are looking forward to hearing from you.