R&D Project / ESCAPE

Escape - Environmental Site Ch4 (methane) Assessment Platform Europe.



ESCAPE – Environmental Site Ch4 (methane) Assessment Platform Europe.

Status: Active

Period of reference: 01 June 2023 – 31 May 2025

Funder: Eureka Eurostars 3 CoD 3

Abinsula Role: Technology provider, Pilot activity responsible

Reference Personnel: Maria Katiuscia Zedda, Francesco Martini, Antonio Solinas

Contact: info@recycle2trade.com

ESCAPE develops a solution that leverages Earth Observation (EO) data and in-situ data to screen and monitor the impacts of gaseous and liquid emissions from landfills and contaminated sites. A new, low-cost, high-frequency and multi-source environmental data, enhanced with machine learning capabilities, will have the potential to verify the environmental conditions and monitor the dynamics of risks posed by landfill and brownfield sites over time. 

The goal of the project is to improve the fundamental understanding of the potential risks associated with some environmental sites and their impacts on surrounding areas. The main output of the project will be a cloud-based online platform combining multiple data sources (e.g., space-based, drones, in-situ sensors and citizen observations if available) with a predictive algorithm offering a two-tier product.

In this project, Abinsula, together with Politecnico di Milano will deploy a professional and extensively-used Sensors Toolbox for environmental monitoring that can be carried out by landfill operators, environmental consultants or remediation contractors in brownfield sites. This solution aims to gather data and monitor extended areas during LOs, environmental consultants or remediation contractors’ routine walkovers. The sensor Toolbox will be validated in terms of accuracy and effectiveness and will represent a valid reference in the field of pollutant gas monitoring in landfills and polluted sites.
Furthermore, ABI takes on the challenge of developing it into a portable device that will be directly connected to a rugged mobile device.

Abinsula at a glance

Abinsula is one of the main Italian players in embedded, web and mobile solutions. It stands out for its ability to create custom software and hardware based on customer needs, for outstanding data management systems connected to an excellent use of telemetry, a technology used in several sectors, from automotive to energy, for data transmission and monitoring.

Custom HW & SW Solution


Data Management


Telemetry Monitoring

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