
R&D Project / MYRTUS

Multi-layer 360° dYnamic orchestration and interopeRable design environmenT for compute-continUum Systems.



Status: Active

Period of reference: 01 Jan 2024 – 31 Dec 2026

Funder: European Union

Grant agreement ID: 101135183

Abinsula Role: Project coordinator

Reference Personnel: Maria Katiuscia Zedda, Tiziana Fanni

MYRTUS is an Horizon Europe Project, coordinated by Abinsula that brings together a consortium of 14 partners from 8 European countries. The MYRTUS project aims at unlocking the new living dimension of CPS, embracing the principles of the EU CloudEdgeIOT Initiative, integrating edge, fog and cloud computing platforms. This integration requires the reinvention of programming languages and tools to orchestrate collaborative distributed and decentralised components. Additionally, components must be augmented with interface contracts covering both functional and non-functional properties. MYRTUS solutions play a crucial role in enabling sustainable computing and trustworthiness in CPS.

MYRTUS contributes to create new knowledge in the computing continuum domain, with methodologies and tools for node execution and processing portability over edge-fog-cloud, including dynamic and seamless orchestration. The goal is to become a reference in the computing continuum, offering solutions that overcome the problem related to vendor/platform lock-in, therefore promoting and facilitating the adoption of MYRTUS technologies among startups and SMEs, reducing their development time and cost.

MYRTUS embraces the sustainable and responsible computing paradigm, promoting obsolescence avoidance (supported by MYRTUS principle of openness, interoperability, and portability) and resource saving and energy efficiency (supported by HW specialisation and optimization techniques).

MYRTUS is funded by the European Union, by grant No. 101135183. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Abinsula at a glance

Abinsula is one of the main Italian players in embedded, web and mobile solutions. It stands out for its ability to create custom software and hardware based on customer needs, for outstanding data management systems connected to an excellent use of telemetry, a technology used in several sectors, from automotive to energy, for data transmission and monitoring.

Custom HW & SW Solution


Data Management


Telemetry Monitoring

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